transformation operator

For over 37 years, Cyllene has played an active role in the digital transformation of businesses, thanks to its expertise in all areas of digital, collaboration, cloud, security, infrastructure, data and webmarketing. Our 400 digital experts specialize in cybersecurity, data storage, webmarketing and the creation of websites and applications.
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They trust us

Partner of companies’ digital transformation

Forte de ses 37 ans de savoir-faire, Cyllene se positionne comme un expert de la transition digitale en France. En tant que spécialiste dans divers domaines, notre équipe vous guide à travers toutes les étapes de la transformation digitale. Explorez nos services pour une transition en toute fluidité vers le numérique, bénéficiant de notre expérience éprouvée…. Readmore

Securing your business

Cybersecurity is crucial for any business. In the face of threats such as phishing and intrusions, our ISO 27001-certified firewalls provide robust protection. Security audits ensure compliance, and our EDR and XDR solutions monitor in real time.

Investing in these measures is essential for the security of your data and information systems.

Don't take any more risks. Contact Cyllene today to strengthen your cybersecurity and protect your business against evolving threats.

Boost your productivity

Cyllene's collaboration offering provides you with a complete range of solutions to optimise your company's productivity and security. We offer 5 packages to facilitate collaboration within your company: VOIP, which allows you to benefit from IP telephony for efficient communications; Alter Desktop, which provides you with virtual desktops accessible from a professional environment, meaning you don't need to be at home to work; Alter Drive, which offers secure storage for your files; and Alter 365, which offers collaborative messaging and solutions based on the cloud and Office 365. Finally, with Alter Protect, ensure antivirus protection for your workstations, whether PC or mobile.

Optimise your information system with our Cloud solutions

Cyllene offers a range of services to help you strengthen your Cloud security. Discover our Private Cloud for maximum security and our Public Cloud for unfailing flexibility. Hybridisation combines the best of both worlds, while our Operator Services guarantee reliable connectivity.

Simplify your management with our Managed Services, freeing up your team for strategic tasks. PowerDemand ensures optimum performance, ideal for resource-hungry applications. For e-commerce, our E-commerce Hosting offers a reliable platform.

Finally, we offer a complete and efficient tool for object storage. AlterStor is a scalable solution for efficient and secure data management. Choose Cyllene for tailored Cloud solutions, propelling your business into the future.

Improve the management of your IT assets

Our expertise in IT asset management offers a complete solution to meet the needs of your IT infrastructure. Our innovative approach to hybrid storage combines the best of the local and cloud worlds to ensure optimum performance and constant data availability. Outsource your IT support with confidence, benefiting from dedicated technical support, ready to intervene quickly to resolve any issues.

Cyllene goes beyond simple management, also offering tailor-made IT training to enhance your team's skills. Our commitment to transparency and quality is reflected in our IT and IT audit services, enabling you to identify optimisation opportunities and strengthen the security of your infrastructure.

Explore our no-compromise solutions and give your IT infrastructure the performance and reliability it deserves. With Cyllene, managing your IT infrastructure becomes a strategic asset for your company's growth...

Boost your online presence with our tailor-made digital offerings

Cyllene offers you a complete range of services to guide your digital strategy towards success. From search engine optimisation (SEO) to advertising campaign management (SEA), website creation and mobile applications, our team of experts covers all the crucial aspects of online presence.

We place particular emphasis on user experience (UX/UI), ensuring that every interaction on your website or mobile app is intuitive and engaging. In addition, our social media specialists work with you to strengthen your presence and interact effectively with your audience on social platforms.

E-mail campaigns are also an integral part of our approach, enabling targeted and personalised communication with your audience. We use proven techniques to maximise the impact of each mailing and encourage engagement.

Cyllene's experts understand that digital success requires a holistic approach. Working closely with you, our team develops coherent and collaborative strategies, ensuring that every aspect of your online presence contributes optimally to the achievement of your business objectives. Let Cyllene take your business to new digital heights.

Transform your data into strategic advantages

Cyllene's data offering is a complete solution for today's data management challenges. It encompasses four key offerings: Data Consulting, Data Lake, Data Intelligence and Data Marketing. Through these services, Cyllene helps companies optimise their use of data, from collection to activation. Our approach integrates solid technical expertise, data mining skills and an in-depth understanding of marketing, offering 360° support to improve strategic decision-making, strengthen customer knowledge and personalise marketing strategies. With Cyllene, data becomes a major asset for business growth and competitiveness.

Cyllene, a national player

A major player in digital transformation, Cyllene is present in 9 major French cities.

Our digital experts can be found in Paris, Bordeaux, Strasbourg, Lyon, Lille, Montbéliard, Plérin, Nanterre, Bordeaux, Troyes and Montigny-le-Bretonneux.

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